Bagaimana menggunakan proxy di Google Chrome
- 26 Feb 2024, 21.03
- 1 menit
Buying a mobile proxy is one of the most reliable solutions for achieving anonymity on the Internet. It is the next level for achieving the goals of your business or specific tasks. In this article, we will tell you in more detail how to set up proxies for Google Chrome.
Step 1 - Go to Windows settings
Step 2 - Go to the Network and Internet section

Step 3 - Go to the Proxy Server section

Step 4 - Enter proxy data (IP, port)

Step 5 - Enter login and password when attempting to connect

Coba proxy seluler kami
DaftarDi OnlineProxy Anda akan menemukan proxy seluler dari seluruh dunia dengan tarif harian mulai dari $0,7 dan rotasi IP. Proksi sangat bagus untuk tugas pekerjaan. Kami menjamin kualitas atau mengembalikan uang Anda.