
Wie man Proxy auf OS Windows einstellt

  • 29. Feb. 2024, 00:26
  • 2 Minuten

Setting up proxies on Windows

There are three options for setting up proxies on Windows. Let's talk about each one.

Automatic configuration

  1. Go to settings and enter "proxy" in the search bar or go to the "Network & Internet" → "Proxy" section. 
    Step 1: go to the "Proxy" section
  2. In the "Automatic proxy setup" section, enable the automatic detection settings. 
    Step 2: select automatic configuration

Setting up using the installation script

  1. Go to settings and enter "proxy" in the search bar or go to the "Network and Internet" → "Proxy" section.
    Go to the "Proxy" section
  2. If you have the address of a special script, enable "Use installation script".
    Select installation by script
  3. Enter the provided URL in the "Script address" field and click the "Save" button.
    Use the script for configuration

Manual connection setup

  1. Go to settings and enter "proxy" in the search bar or go to the "Network and Internet" → "Proxy" section.
    Go to the "Proxy" section
  2. Go to the "Manual server setup" section and enable "Use proxy port". Select manual setup.
    Select manual setup
  3. Enter the IP address and port in the respective fields.
    Enter the IP and port values
  4. You can enter the ending of the URLs of websites that you do not want to visit through the proxy. For example, *

    For multiple websites, enter the address of each website and separate the addresses with a semicolon (e.g., *; *

    * is a wildcard character, so all website addresses with that ending will bypass the proxy port.
  5. You can activate the "Do not use server for local addresses" checkbox. This is useful if your company does not need to use the server for internal addresses.
  6. Save the changes.
Probieren Sie unsere mobilen Proxys aus

Bei OnlineProxy finden Sie mobile Proxys aus der ganzen Welt mit täglicher Abrechnung ab 0,7 $ und IP-Rotation. Proxys eignen sich hervorragend für Arbeitsaufgaben. Wir garantieren Qualität oder erstatten Geld.
