Proxy-Einstellungen in Mozilla Firefox
- 29. Feb. 2024, 00:48
- 1 Minute
Setting up proxies in Mozilla Firefox
You can configure proxies for Firefox within the browser. To do this:
- Go to settings and in the "General" section, open the network settings "Network settings".
Open network settings in Mozilla Firefox
- Select manual proxy configuration "Manual proxy configuration"
Launch manual proxy configuration
Then enter the IP and port of the proxy in the corresponding field: HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS. Your proxy provider will provide you with this information.
You can also configure additional settings:
- Add a list of addresses that should be visited without proxy ports,
- Disable the prompt for proxy login and password by checking the corresponding box,
- Enable DNS for SOCKS and HTTPS.
After configuring the additional settings, click "OK".
Check IP address. If it has changed, it means the proxy port is working.
Another option is to select the "Use system proxy" option.
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