OnlineProxy Client API v1



Welcome to the OnlineProxy API docs!

OnlineProxy API uses REST with token (bearer) authentication and returns HTTP response codes and responses encoded in JSON format.

The following API can be used by the developers for integration purposes. It provides access to the essential functionality like monitoring and purchasing proxies, rotating IP addresses of purchased proxies, as well as commenting on them and balance checking. You can access this functionality by making API calls to the following resources: Comment, Proxy, Sale, Balance. Each resource has its own endpoint and a set of requests to create, read or modify corresponding data.

Please note that all API calls are made using live data, as we do not provide a sandbox server. Please be aware that any operations, such as creating, updating, or deleting data, will affect your production environment and may lead to irreversible consequences. We strongly recommend carefully checking the parameters of your requests before submission to avoid unintended changes or data corruption.

Rate limits and restrictions

To ensure the security, stability, and availability of the API for all users, we implement a rate limit policy: all users are allowed to make up to 60 requests per minute. If this limit is exceeded, you will receive 429 Too Many Requests error code. You will need to wait until the specified time period expires, after which the block will be lifted and access to the API will be automatically restored.

If you have any questions regarding integration, please contact us.

Get started

OnlineProxy API uses tokens to authenticate API calls. Here's how to get an authentication token:

  1. Go to and log in or sign up
  2. Select Account settings in drop-down menu on the top right or follow this link
  3. Go to API settings tab
  4. Click on Add token button, fill in the description field and click Add button
  5. IMPORTANT! Copy and save the provided token as it only shown once (for security reasons).

Authentication tokens do not expire and do not need to be refreshed; however, it is imperative to keep them secure to prevent unauthorized access. After obtaining the token, you can make calls to the OnlineProxy API. The section below lists the available resources and requests you can use.

Resources and requests


Allows you to monitor available proxies and purchase them. Contains requests for main functionality provided by OnlineProxy - proxy purchasing.

POST | /order

GET | /tariffs

GET | /filters


Allows you to manage the proxies you've purchased. Contains requests that return data on all of your proxies or specific ones. Also contains a requests for IP address rotation of the purchased proxies.

GET | /proxies

GET | /proxies/{id}

PUT | /orders/{id}

GET | /rotate


Allows you to add, modify, or delete comments for the proxy you have purchased. This feature can be useful for organizing proxy lists or storing non-essential information. Note: This method is deprecated and will be removed in future API versions.

[deprecated] POST | /proxies/{id}/comment


Allows you to monitor available balance of your profile. This request can be helpful to keep track of your balance, you can use it, for example, to implement balance notifications.

GET | /balance

Postman collection

We have prepared a Postman collection to help you get started with our API more quickly. To begin using it, you need to:

  1. Register or log in to your Postman account.
  2. Click Run in Postman
  3. Select Fork collection.
  4. Choose a name for the fork and a workspace.
  5. To authenticate your requests, you need to provide a bearer token, which you can obtain on your personal account page.


OnlineProxy API calls return HTTP status codes. Some API calls also include JSON response bodies containing information about the resource. Use this information to build an API flow tailored to a specific request. Each REST API request returns an HTTP status code. Below, we have listed some of the most common responses.

Status code Description Possible causes and solutions
200 OK Successful request.
202 Accepted The server accepted the request and will execute it later. IP address rotation command was received and will be executed by the server
401 Unathorized Token verification failed Missing or invalid authentication token. Resend with a valid token using Bearer schema.
403 Forbidden Authorization failed due to insufficient permissions. Trying to call an API with disabled API access or from unauthorized IP address. Enable API access and/or add IP address to the whitelist in your Account settings.
404 Not found The resource cannot be found Unable to perform actions on the specified resource, please check the URL, specifically if request contains valid path variables.
422 Unprocessable Entity The API cannot complete the requested action, or the request action is semantically incorrect or fails business validation. Incorrect or missing data in request, failed data validation. Check the parameters of the request and ensure they meet all the criteria (type, length, etc.) described in documentation.
429 Too Many Requests Too many requests. Blocked due to rate limiting. The rate limit for the user exceeds a predefined value (60 requests per minute). Try to send the request again a few minutes later.
